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Friday, 20 March 2015

Info Post

1. Become an Amazon Featured Merchant

You need a real sellers account on Amazon to make it happen with good feedback and good sales, but once you make it to featured (which doesn't have to take more than a few months), you’ll be surpized with results. A featured merchant on Amazon has the chance at getting what’s called the “Buy Box” on Amazon. The Buy Box provides you with the default sales. Meaning, when someone clicks the big “Add to Cart” button for the product, you get the sale. Depending on the demand for the product, winning the Buy Box can easily double your sales.

Amazon doesn't give away the exact formula for becoming a featured merchant but the basics are just be a good seller (good feedback, the right type of seller account, and product sales). I’ve seen the status reached in a very short time, so it can be done when done right, and it makes all the difference in the world.

2. Select Products Suited for Your Business Size

If you’re going to be selling sofas and mattresses and still want to work out of your basement, you’d better have a big basement. If you have a warehouse, no problem, but if you’re going to do this on your own, you’ll need products that you can easily manage. Now there are some tricks and tips for getting the big stuff in, and you don’t have to touch it, but we’ll save that for later.

3. Be Flexible with your Pricing Strategy

Find the sweet spot. One lesson we learned not too long ago was that most of us tend to under-price our products. Sure you have to look at the competition, but prefer to play where there is little competition. If you need to put something on sale to get a little more sales rank, then go for it. If you want to earn more profit, try raising your prices. You don’t need to raise prices by much. If your volume is half-way decent, something as small as a 3% increase could mean a lot to your income.


  1. An A+ article! This would be really very helpful to any sellers. However, I am using Amazon eBay Experts to manage my stores and I chooses Sellers Engine and they are doing extremely great! I would love to stick with them.
